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For all the cows..
Beginner's Guide (PDF file)
me n D.D.

All about mE =)

NAme: Dumbo
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Status: Happily Attached


February 2025

  S  M  T  W  T  F  S
  2  3  4  5  6  7  8
  9 10 11 12 13 14 15
 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
 23 24 25 26 27 28
Important Dates
7 - Joyce
22 - Li Ting

14 - V-Day
18 - Charlie
22 - Wei De

2 - Teng Guan
4 - Issac
12 - Diana
13 - Hui Ling
18 - Qiu Mei
21 - Elaine
31 - Boon Kok, I & D.D. Anniversary

4 - Isabel
9 - Shawn =*
10 - Jason
15 - Brenda
16 - Jia Yang
18 - Mun Foong
19 - Eileen
24 - Xiao Wei

14 - Kevin
18 - Melisa
22 - Mum
28 - Lai Man

19 - Kit, Sharon

1 - Jasmine
7 - Jing Shi
10 - Wing See
19 - Liyan

10 - Ah Yee
15 - YC

4 - Grace
26 - Karen & Me

12 - Cindy
13 - Yeow Tuck

9 - Lydia

10 - Wee Jian
19 - Ting Feng
22 - Maria
30 - Sandra
31 - Tricia
Daily Doses
Full Day Date
Sunday. 8.15.10 10:39 am
Finally had a full day with D.D. Watched Ocean Heaven starring Jet Li, Zhang Wen and Kwai Lun Mei. Very moving story abt a father's love for a special child. Cried my eyes out, tried to discretely dab my tears away. D.D. also teared and pretended that he didnt. Funny!

After watching the movie, we headed to the arcade to try our luck in catching dumbo. We nearly caught it every single time we dropped $1 into the machine. In the end, we gave up. Hehe. Anyway, even if we caught it, there is no space on my bed to put a new addition.

Next up was shopping. Spent abt $150 on working clothes, 3 pants and 1 shirt for D.D. and 1 skirt and pants for myself. Good deal at G2000! Too bad i didnt bring my UOB card for that extra 10% discount, was whined at by D.D.

From PS to Ion and last stop was at Wheelock for dessert. Had Mando Tango (cheesecake with mango ice-cream). Was very very full, managed to eat the whole thing without D.D.'s help. Was very entertained by a little boy, about 4 years old. He was eating pasta happily and I happened to catch him looking in my direction. Thus, my being the friendly jie jie, smiled at him, and he too smiled and lowered his head to continue eating. After that he started singing with 3 cups of water in front of him, like playing music. The most hilarious thing was he got his mum to pass him the phone to talk to a certain auntie. He answered "I am fine but i miss u too!". That coming from a 4 year old boy was too cute and adorable. He then started laughing till his saliva was sprouting eveywhere. Couldnt take my eyes of him loh. Such an adorable kid to play with.

Anyway, enjoyed today with D.D. Had so much fun. Looking forward to the next date!

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Lonely Thoughts
Friday. 8.13.10 8:57 am
Lonely Thoughts While You Were Away

- should i make new friends?
- should i find a new hobby?
- should i meet up with old friends?
- should i just stay home and wait for u?
- should i just work to forget?
- should i retink my plans for the future?

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Been MIA
Sunday. 3.21.10 2:18 am
Havent blogged for awhile. Work has been quite busy, fufilling i must say. been put through alot of pain and sleepless nights. but, have learnt new stuff.

D.D. has been buzy preparing for his prelims, which was just over, now busy with studying for the real one coming up in may. I hope that he will finish with fantastic results with people vying to recruit him in thereafter.

Have been staying at home more now which is quite peaceful and at times boring. hehe. Shall end here, mind is blank now. Take care all!

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Leisurely Stroll
Saturday. 12.12.09 1:49 am
While D.D. was bz studying for his exams, he was also bz strolling along shopping centres. Opps, hope Mr James kwan (his lecturer) is not reading this. Anyway, i really like christmas. When u r walking or taking public transport to work, the christmas songs that they play over the radio sorts of lifts up spirits and mood up. Like there is something to look forward to. Am looking forward to the Xmas Party next sat. Haha.. Shalll post some pics here:

This is the 2nd time D.D. bought a whole bunch of masks for me:

More Dumbos to add to my collection:

Where is spongebob square pants?

Me and D.D.:

Releasing Stress;

IR in action:

Xmas lights:

Raffles House Gals! The before shot is better than the after. Its awful to have ice cream before your alcoholic drinks.

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Wat would you do to protect ur loved ones?
Sunday. 12.6.09 1:25 am
Caught the Twilight- New Moon movie. D.D. was so restless throughout the movie while i had pain and aches in the neck area. I thought this movie was deeper in the emotions part, less action. I actually tink Jacob aka Taylor Lautner is really Hot. Like his deep-set eyes and smile. Woohoo, more screen time of him this time. One good thing that came out for D.D. is his crush on Alice aka Ashley Greene. He likes her nose and prefers her previous curvy figure. Wah, D.D. tink he knows the Twilight cast and movie ah. Hehe...

Ps: Wishing that D.D. will finish his exams soon, then I could take a day of work and enjoy it with him. I also wanna go JB with him just 2 of us is quite relaxing. He will be at Jean Yip, while I will be next door doing manicure? 1/2 price is really good man! looking forward to the day.

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Busy Before Xmas
Sunday. 11.29.09 12:50 am

Had company gathering to Science Centre, supposedly our Staff Welfare Day. We closed office early, had lunch in the pantry and headed for the Body Works. Felt abit disgusted thinking about what i will see, anyway, i survived. Lots of wierd body parts, the colorings, the texture.... looks unreal. No pics allowed inside, so tis was wat we took.

Mini- Bdae Celebration for Boss:


Joined D.D. and family for the 1st time for (his dad's side) Grandma's 88th Birthday. Wah, she is very old but still very lively. She mistook me for one of her granddaughters when i passed her an ang bao.. Haha... D.D.'s cousin damn rich sia, stay in penthouse in Marine Parade area. Was damn tired when I got home at 11 plus.

Their big Family:


Within these 2 weeks, I picked up alot of stuff, xmas gifts for friends & family, my cosmetics, more dumbos, snacks and etc.... I really love the season of giving. Woohoo!


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